Sunday, October 13, 2013

[Thoughts for the day!]

ni pesanan utk kakShu. XD

yang ni takde kena mengena ngan iols.. nexttt!!!!

ni ada betulnye. sebab iols melalui..


muhasabah cepat!

yes! i love what i'm doing rite now! Thank You Allah!

like it! ahaha.. :P

The end!


Anonymous said...

OMG Tower F!!!

nexus_fms said...

hi jiran..


jiran ke kita?!

terus tarik balik.

bahaya.. huhu..

mujor cakap tower jer..

buat nye jerit building.. habis lah..

Anonymous said...

Of kos takan...
i aint blowin' anybody's kaver.
neways.. hi neighbour!!! Same tower
what a small world

nexus_fms said...

Thanks a lot!


Pernah ke tegur kak huda?

Down to earth org nye walau ada title dato'


Cair nexus kalau tgk dia senyum.. wakakaka.. :p

Btw, hi nebers!! Nice to meet u!

Anonymous said...

She met us both aldy. Yes we hav passed our aquantainces to each other. Dah agak, ramai minat dier. She boboi. No boboi minat another boboi. Take care.

nexus_fms said...


Will take care of myself.

Ada dino teman nexus. m not afraid of any strangers. Lol! ;p


shoe said...

Comel nya girl tu mcm I masa kecik2 hahaha ok mau sambung makan. Ngap ngap ngap

nexus_fms said...

Kan?! Ada iras2 kakshu masa kecik kalau tgk gamba lama.

Btw, tu pesanan nexus sebenarnya, nexus muncit jgn tegur.. nanti nexus makan kakshu skali.

